Business Development

Advice on the analysis, creation and implementation of business strategies helping to move forward any phase of development in the most efficient and effective way possible.

What does the service consist of?

Maximize the opportunities that regulation provides in the development of all types of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food businesses.


We advise on obtaining health permits, Clave GICONA, CDA (ISP-SEREMI-SAG).

Permisos sanitarios Chile ISP-SEREMI-SAG
Distribución y Comercialización Médica LegalPharma

Distribution and Marketing

We are constantly looking for ways to improve logistics to comply with the necessary requirements for a flow without interruptions.


We are concerned that the advertising and labeling of products comply with legal obligations and are not an obstacle to success.

Propiedad Intelectual LegalPharma

Intellectual Property

We help companies to give value to their products, requesting the registration of trademarks and patents before INAPI.